Upcoming Performances:


Sat Feb 1, 2-5 pm
Playford Gang
English Country Dance
Christ Episcopal Church, Binghamton, NY

Fri Feb 7
Bardo Brothers
Mythicon - Green Man's Masquerade
Eisenhower Hotel, Gettsyburg, PA

Sat Mar 1, 9-10 am
Parade Day Breakfast
American Legion Post 80, Binghamton, NY

Sat Mar 1
Playford Gang
English Country Dance
Christ Episcopal Church, Binghamton, NY

Sun Mar 2, @ 2 pm
Tioga County Contra Dance
Owego, NY

Fri Apr 4, @ 7:30 pm
Otsego Dance Society Contradance
First Presbyterian Church, Cooperstown, NY

Sat Apr 5, 2-5 pm
Playford Gang
English Country Dance
Christ Episcopal Church, Binghamton, NY

Fri Apr 25, @ 2 pm
Cornell University Klezmer Ensemble Yiddish Dance Party
One World Room, Anabel Taylor Hall, Ithaca NY

Sat May 3, 2-5 pm
Playford Gang
English Country Dance
Christ Episcopal Church, Binghamton, NY

Sat Jun 7, 2-5 pm
Playford Gang
English Country Dance
Christ Episcopal Church, Binghamton, NY

allen lutins is a Binghamton, NY based multi-instrumentalist/ethnomusicologist best known for his work with several Ithaca-based klezmer ensembles. He is co-founder of klezmer group Klez Project, Celtic/Scandinavian/Americana band Rosetree, and early music ensemble Playford Gang. His primary instruments are clarinet, Irish whistles and guitar. He also dabbles in Turkish saz and various percussion instruments, and received two years of training in Hindustani music on the sitar.

Click on the publicity button above for more information, or on the video links below for sample performances. Additional music-related resources from allen include:

Performance by my band Klez Project at the Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts, Ithaca NY 21 July 2015
Click here for additional videos from that concert

Recording of my duo Rosetree at my home studio 5 February 2018
Click here for additional videos from that session

Solo recording at my home studio 26 February 2017
Click here for additional solo guitar videos

Moe Levine (allen's maternal grandfather) providing allen's first music lesson
Abe Stern (allen's paternal grandfather) with tenor guitar