Short write-up: Klezmer, Celtic, Americana, Scandinavian and other world/folk styles

Medium write-up: Allen Lutins is a multi-instrumentalist/ethnomusicologist who performs acoustic folk/world music with numerous ensembles in New York's central and Southern Tier regions.

Long write-up: Allen Lutins, a multi-instrumentalist/ethnomusicologist, performs with numerous acoustic ensembles in New York's central and Southern Tier regions. He is a co-founder of Klez Project (a klezmer ensemble), Rosetree (a contra dance band) and Playford Gang (an English Country Dance ensemble). He performs regularly with a number of folk and ethnic ensembles, including Klezmer Kings, Cornell University Klezmer Ensemble, and The Bardo Brothers. His primary instruments are clarinet, Irish whistles and guitar; he also plays Turkish saz and various percussion instruments, and received two years of training in Hindustani music on the sitar.


Click on photos for higher resolution versions:

Photos with guitars courtesy of Marie Lutins.
Photo with clarinet courtesy of Murray Werner.
All content coyright © 2024 by allen lutins
Last updated 21 July 2024